
Monday, April 1, 2013

Sheepo's Garage second aniversary!!

This week is the second aniversary of this website!!!

Thanks to everyone to help me to keep this site working!!

This two last years have been very important for me as Lego builder.
My MOCs have been very popular with tons of visits in this website and for its youtube videos (specially the Porsche and the Defender), also some of them have appear in a magazines around the world, I am selling instructions, even I am building some Lego MOCs under request to some companys

This website receive around 1800 visits each day(using blogger data), 55,250 visits in the last 30 days, and nearly 1 million since I created this site 2 years ago. This is a fantastic result for me, and I can't wish better results ;)

I know I am not the most prolific technic builder, but I prefer build only 2 or 3 big MOCs each year and keep my MOCs with high complex level, because I think that this is my hallmark.

At the begining if this year I started to sell my first instructions, the sales of it are very good, and I have the intention to make instructions for some of my others big MOCs(Veyron, Porsche and Mini), but to make it I will need many time.

This is my route map for the next months (and years...):

- Continues launching one big MOC each 5-6 months. In this moment I am working in completly new car.
I published here a entry about failed supercar some weeks ago, finally I didn't disassemble it, so maybe I will can continue with it.

- Upgrade the Porsche 911 and the Veyron with new gearboxes with better reliability and made instructions for they and for the Mini too.

- Add more elements to the MPS, I know it looks as I forget it some months ago, but this is not true. Comming soon I will publish an important entry about it.

- Publish a completly new Modular System, I have developed it along the last months and I am very hopeful about it. I think it will change your point of view about the complex supercars...

- Also I will publish some little technical ideas and usefull mechanims.

I hope I will can follow my own route map ;)

Thanks again to everyone for your support and I hope you will like my next entries!!


  1. Happy birthday Garage!! ^_^

  2. You shouldn't post anything at fools' day, don't you think?
    There is a lot of people who wouldn't believe this.
    I'm kidding. True or not, happy birthday Garage!

  3. This is not a joke... in spain doesn't exist the april fool's day...

  4. Thank you for your creations!! i watched your videos many times)) and also i am trying to make something like you made, but yours is really fantastic ;)) My congratulations!!

  5. como vas a publicar algunos de tus supercars con nuevas cajas de marchas podrias hacer las instrucciones de estas para poder diseñarlas nosotros??

  6. Tengo algunas cosas pendientes respecto a las cajas de cambio mucho antes de que publique estas instrucciones ;)

  7. a vale, weno, de todos modos gracias por la informacion

  8. April Fools day?

    Sheepo is not kidding.. he has a great Blog whe he publish such great MOCS!

    Que cumplas muchos más Sheepo!

  9. Sorry! I didn't knew that Spain didn't have that day. :(

  10. I think that you should just leave your old MOCs as they are, they are to show the progress you've made so far with MOCs , I think. For me there wouldn't be any point in changing the gearboxes at this point.

  11. I think that you should just leave your old MOCs as they are, they are to show the progress you've made so far with MOCs , I think. For me there wouldn't be any point in changing the gearboxes at this point.
