This MOC was presented in TrenBrick event in Madrid, on October 2013. Organized by ALE! (Lego Spanish Association) in the Railroad Museum of Madrid
It has a total length of 524 studs, thats it 419 cm (165 inches)
It is divided in two parts with a 256 studs of span each one.
It has more tham 4000 parts, with 174 11x5x1 Technic panels
It has 206cm of high (82 inches).
The tower can support vertically more than 40Kgs.
Finally a video of the bridge, trains and of the whole event.
Enjoy it!!
That is a great achievement. Did you finance it yourself or did you have any sponsors? There sure is a lot of panels!!! What did yoi use for cables?
give that man a metal!
I don't have any sponsor, I pay all my parts by myself. But in this MOC a friend left me many panels and technic bricks.
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