The second most important element in an RC car is the front axle.
Without a correct operating and accuracy steering you can't drive the car properly.
Of course it is 100% recomended to use a return-to-center systems for the steering. For see some examples visit this article:
Retun-to-centrer systems
Depending the type of circuit that will go to drive the axle must rotate more or less degrees.
If the circuit is very twisty the car must be able to rotate 180 degrees in more or less 1.5 meters, in a very open circuit the recommended maximum is about 2.5m
A little examples of simple and effective axle:
It uses very common parts, is very efective and light.
You can found moy exemples here, including any with tracction:
As a bonus there is a system to increase grip in something slippery surfaces and tend to cause understeer in the car.
Because the play of the pieces, the wheels tend to take camber angle. This angle reduced the grip in corners.
For fix this problem some time ago I designed a system, who apply a camber angle in the opposite direcction, for get than the all surface of the wheels touch the floor.
Thanks for read!!!
Comming soon the third part.
great! i like this site, because You give us the instructions, great job sheepo : P
What is your system or change you made to reverse the camber angle? I am failing to see a difference in the provided pictures
Me 2
You must review your eyes... just look the inclination of the front wheels... when the system is off the wheels are slightly inclined to inside on the top of the wheel.
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