This is my interpretation of what today should be a Lego supercar
If you want to know more about the internal features follow this link:
SuperCar 2009 Chassis
First a few pictures of the real Veyron

And now a few pictures of my MOC:
The car maintains its proportions in length, width height, wheelbase, length of the hood and several more to give it shape. The approximate scale is 1:8.
Electric parts:
- 3 PF IR Receivers
- PF M motor for steering
- PF M motor for brakes and handbrake
- PF M motor for folding top
- PF M motor for rear aileron
- PF XL motor for change speeds
- RC motor for drive
The doors open manually, but have a little lock so they don't open by themselves. To open them you simply pull them up slightly.
Additionally, in this picture you can see that in front of the co-pilot's seat there is a little red lever to open the hood
In addition to the PF mechanisms of the previous article, there are another two. One of them is the roof. I know that in the real model the roof has to be removed and re`placed manually, and must be stored separately, but I have managed to make it so that it folds and is hidden inside the car.

As can be seen in the picture, part of the roof and the air intakes are lifted to let the "soft top" pass and immediately after go back to their initial position.
Since each PF receiver can control 2 motors independently, why waste this connector? So I used it for another one of the characteristic elements of the car, its foldable aileron with variable inclination. Here, in order to be able to lift and tilt the aileron with the same motor, I have built it so that first the aileron is lifted and after that tilted. In this way it is lifted straight and then tilted according to your liking with the same movement
A picture of the sequence:

Also, the aileron hides one of my favourite mechanisms in this car: if while the aileron goes up you use the brakes, the aileron is suddenly inclined forwards, converting it into a flap (like the brakes on a plane) in order to help brake the car, just like the original Veyron

Here a external pictures gallery:
The best video from my Veyron, filmed and upload by Conchas(thank you :))
One more demostration in this video at time 0m 45s.
and here:
The last video in collaboration with eletrickbricks.
If you have any comment or question, please leave a comment!!!
If you want to know more about the internal features follow this link:
SuperCar 2009 Chassis
First a few pictures of the real Veyron
And now a few pictures of my MOC:
The car maintains its proportions in length, width height, wheelbase, length of the hood and several more to give it shape. The approximate scale is 1:8.
Electric parts:
- 3 PF IR Receivers
- PF M motor for steering
- PF M motor for brakes and handbrake
- PF M motor for folding top
- PF M motor for rear aileron
- PF XL motor for change speeds
- RC motor for drive
The doors open manually, but have a little lock so they don't open by themselves. To open them you simply pull them up slightly.
Additionally, in this picture you can see that in front of the co-pilot's seat there is a little red lever to open the hood
In addition to the PF mechanisms of the previous article, there are another two. One of them is the roof. I know that in the real model the roof has to be removed and re`placed manually, and must be stored separately, but I have managed to make it so that it folds and is hidden inside the car.
As can be seen in the picture, part of the roof and the air intakes are lifted to let the "soft top" pass and immediately after go back to their initial position.
Since each PF receiver can control 2 motors independently, why waste this connector? So I used it for another one of the characteristic elements of the car, its foldable aileron with variable inclination. Here, in order to be able to lift and tilt the aileron with the same motor, I have built it so that first the aileron is lifted and after that tilted. In this way it is lifted straight and then tilted according to your liking with the same movement
A picture of the sequence:
Also, the aileron hides one of my favourite mechanisms in this car: if while the aileron goes up you use the brakes, the aileron is suddenly inclined forwards, converting it into a flap (like the brakes on a plane) in order to help brake the car, just like the original Veyron
Here a external pictures gallery:
The best video from my Veyron, filmed and upload by Conchas(thank you :))
One more demostration in this video at time 0m 45s.
and here:
The last video in collaboration with eletrickbricks.
If you have any comment or question, please leave a comment!!!
una dudilla... la transmision es realmente efectiva, quiero decir... si subes marchas va mas rapido.. o lo k tira realmente es el motos rc??
Claro que es efectiva, y funciona correctamente. Lo que pasa es que el motor no da suficiente chicha y si pasas de 3º no puede con el coche :(
jejee.. muchas gracias.. con respecto a lo de k no tiene chicha suficiente.. no se si lo habras pensado ya... pero si le metes 12 v en vez de 9 le metera mas potencia... y t digo por experiencia que no se sobrecalientan.. yo he echo un proyecto sobre un camion que lleva dos rc con 12 voltios... y casi me cuesta alcanzarlo cuando corre!!! jejeje :)
Se lo de los 12v, de hecho todos los motores de Lego son realmente de 12v. Lo que pasa es que yo nunca uso piezas que no sean originales de Lego por lo que estoy limitado a los 9v de las cajas de pilas oficiales.
otra pequeña duda que me corroe... ( lo siento por ser tan pesado)pero de donde has sacao esas cacho ruedas.. no las he visto en ningun sitio... por cierto, mejor musica para los videos imposible, me da que compartimos gustos musicales jejeje ;) ya no te doy mas la paliza.. gran trabajo!!
Son del set Technic numero 8448, de allá por el año 2000...
que diferencia hay entre la caja de cambios que enseñas a hacer y la que montas en el coche... porque hay cosas que no son iguales... por cierto, si consiguieses hacer mas fotos de la parte trasera sin la caja de cambio ensamblada me harias un enorme favor.
You can even make your own concept cars from Lego, then from there, use it as a blueprint to design your dream vehicle which hopefully could be bought by manufacturers for a good price.
You can even make your own concept cars from Lego, then from there, use it as a blueprint to design your dream vehicle which hopefully could be bought by manufacturers for a good price.
Talk about creating the most powerful car in Lego. I remember seeing another Bugatti Veyron made with Lego Technic. using 8297 off roader and the 8145 Ferrari 599. The engine with 16 cylinders looks like the real thing.
The Bugatti Veyron is surely a thing of beauty, whether it's the real thing or in Lego form. I'm a huge fan!
Me encanta el Veyron, yo también tengo el 8448. Y tengo 2 preguntitas...
1. Si puedes, ¿me dejas las instrucciones del Veyron? Mi correo
2. ¿De dónde sacas tantas piezas? ¿Se las pides directamente a la casa LEGO?
Lo siento pero no tengo instrucciones para el Veyron, porque todo el mundo da por hecho que las tengo?? no se, me llama la atencion, cuando uno construye coches lo hace sobre la marcha no con instrucciones...
Para comprar piezas lo mejor es
simplemente hermoso, único, difícil de encontrar.
podría dar instrucciones por favor?
(Pido disculpas por el mal uso traductor google)
Vi que por el momento, la estructura interna se ha creado y el motor sólo falta el cuerpo, si se puede que alguien haga por favor.
es de 1 año que quiero!
Si lo prefieres tu puedes escribir en ingles sin ningun problema.
Yo no tengo instrucciones para ninguno de mis coches, para hacerlas necesito mucho tiempo del que no dispongo.
ok. muchas gracias. cuando se crea (si se crea) por favor me envíen una copia a, también están bien en pedazos
Pues para ser "improvisado" por así decirlo te ha quedado realmente muy bien. Ah!, y gracias por el enlace a esa web...
Um you got it wrong the real bugatti veyron has a w 16 engine not a v 16 its diffrent
Que bueno el video , Todo esta increible.
If only Lego will mass-produce this charmer, I bet banks will come running after this genius as prospective offers to college students for car loans! But seriously, if this thing can run, this can be the sweetest deal ever.
Tremendo. Sin más. Aunque no pase de tercera ;-D
He visto que es un modelo construido hace ya tiempo y probablemente con la tremenda carga de mecanismos que lleva no quede sitio, pero... ¿Crees que con dos motores en lugar de uno podrías solventar la falta de potencia?
Esa fue una posibilidad, pero para poder poner otro motor también es necesario poner una segunda batería y por tanto mucho mas peso, por lo que el resultado final es el mismo.saludos.
Please make this car for people to buy. Please I'm begging you !!!!!!!!!
Sheepo, un favor, soy algo nuevo en esto de los legos; dime, este bugatti es de invención tuya? juntaste piezas y lo inventaste tu?? es que quiero comprar algunos lego technic pero no se cuales para poder armar algo similar.
Hola Ricardo, absolutamente cosas las cosas expuestas en esta web son 100% creación mía. Tan solo con piezas y mucha paciencia. Para comprar piezas pásate por
LOL, great lego rendition. This must have taken you ages! I'm a huge fan of the Veyron.. whether Lego or real life. (BTW, The Bugatti Veyron supersport is the most expensive car according to Yahoo News.)
Looks like the linking logs I used to play with as a kid! Just get that car to run and I'm all in!
hi im trying to make porsche myself could you give me a advice about brakes?thank you
Salut il faut combien d'instruction pour que tu puisse publier les instruction de ta bugatti veyron ?
Can i Buy?
you will publish even pay the instructions of the bugatti
Can you PLEASE sell the instructions!!!!
absolutely stunning. would be cool as real set
I like Bugatti..
instructions please...
En la parte de abajo, hay un diferencial en el mismo eje que el engranaje limitador y ¿para qué sirve?
Eso es el diferencial central.
Where's the instructions?
Hi Sheepo. Is that you in the first video who is playing with Bugatti
how do u do this
FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sorry, I am to late for voting on lego-ideas!
How Long did you Need for this projekt? Months? Years?
How many parts? 4.000 pieces or more?
Olá. Bom dia! vocês vendem o produto ?
Hi, I am sorry but no.
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